QUALITY POLICY – Autohome Official


The Management of AutoHome – ZIfer Italia Srl is willing to improve over time its products and its presence on the market by providing value to customers and all stakeholders, in compliance with the applicable legislation and with high quality value of its products and services.
For these reasons, it considers it essential to define and implement a “Quality policy” suitable to the organisation.


The objectives of AutoHome – ZIfer Italia Srl are:


✔  The complete satisfaction of the requirements and expectations of the Customer/Client and the market;
✔  The achievement and maintenance of the Quality Certification.


To achieve these objectives, the Organization will:


✔ Continuously improve its Quality management system;
✔ Measure the adequacy, compliance, and effectiveness of the QMS through internal and external audits;
✔ Define new measurable objectives to obtain the maximum involvement of all personnel.
✔ Monitor the products and services offered to the customer in order to obtain a continuous and constant improvement.
✔ Make the necessary resources available to make all personnel aware of the absolute compliance with the indications contained in the Quality Manual and in the other System documents.
✔ Assign the responsibility, as part of their tasks, for the application of the indications and the related procedures to each function identified in the Quality Manual and in the other QMS documents.


The Company Manager undertakes to provide for the necessary resources to make all personnel aware of the absolute compliance with the requirements included in the Quality Manual and in the other documents of the Quality System.