For several years, I managed stores specializing in outdoor clothing, tents and technical solutions for trekking, mountaineering and adventure travel. I started my business in 1982 in Filderstadt. Over the course of time, I also developed my commercial commitment in other German cities. I always found it important to listen to my customers' travel testimonials and I really enjoy personally testing materials and devices in the travel industry, on expeditions and tours in various parts of the world. In recent years I decided to devote myself almost exclusively to travel, in particular favouring tours based on a strong spirit of discovery in geographical areas outside the usual itineraries and such as to encourage maximum contact with nature. I particularly love travelling in a well-equipped car, thanks in part to the fact that I am an industry consultant for automotive companies. I also had a long-standing collaborative relationship with Autohome products. I directly followed the developments of the Autohome offer in the activity of my specialized shops. Together with my staff, we immediately understood the philosophy that guided Autohome and the technical-constructive choices that made it a reality of excellence, distinctive on a market where, unfortunately, improvisation existed and still exists. On the contrary, Autohome immediately pursued the path of quality. That is why we chose in our business to make it one of the mainstays of the offer. A decision that proved to be correct from every point of view, as demonstrated by the increasing success of Autohome roof tents even in extremely demanding and prepared customers. I always recommended roof tents since the beginning of their diffusion, over twenty years ago, because I knew their characteristics well in terms of practicality, comfort and safety. We can safely say that it was the roof tent that made the car more functional and competitive than other solutions for sleeping at night. Today this concept is acquired, but not completely. There are still many who do not know the differences well. So let us see together to point out some important aspects.
Maggiolina, for example, everyone knows it and it is probably the most popular roof tent in the world. In the choice, however, it is important to remember first of all the "dimensions" aspect. For those who have a rather sturdy build, I suggest to prefer the Medium model. For those who have a normal physique and love aesthetic perfection, I suggest to choose the small because it is already well liveable. It also looks good on small cars. For those who are taller than 185 cm, it is best to choose one of the X-long versions, which provide comfort even for taller users. If you want even more space inside, both closed and open, it is better to prefer the Grand Tour model: inside it is a bit higher. While the Airlander model, it is slightly lower but more streamlined.AIRTOP®
Airtop is often chosen by those who own medium height vehicles. Experience confirmed this vocation. In this sense, it is interesting to remember that Airtop is the tent of choice for MINI BMW. Produced by Autohome exclusively for the MINI Countryman market. A fact that is certainly significant. It should be remembered that even Airtop, like Maggiolina, when open, always fits into the shape of the car and does not protrude from the car mirrors. This means that you can stop and camp with your tent open even in parking lots or other public areas, avoiding the imposition of "camping area only".
Columbus is the Autohome model characterized by a sloping roof, typical of the aesthetic tradition of tents. The opening is immediate and instantaneous, thanks to only two gas springs that bring the upper shell to a height of about 160 cm. It is the tallest tent in the Autohome offer. It is a favourite model for those who own tall vehicles and for those who want a rear entrance. While devoted to practicality, Columbus respects the high quality Autohome, starting with the shells that are made of fibreglass, with all the advantages that this material offers. In addition, the roof is ventilated: insulating and anti-condensation, soundproofed even in the rain thanks to a thick mousse. The quality of the fabrics is another element that stands out and makes Columbus a quality tent: they are in fact fabrics that boast a high capacity for transmitting water vapour to the outside.
Air-Camping was my first adventure companion: initially on solo tours and then travelling with my whole family. This tent is a specific range of Autohome together with Overland, Overzone. I can confirm that they are excellent curtains in use and offer great internal liveability. In particular, their habitability stands out when they are opened and they are of minimum encumbrance when they are closed: in fact they leave half of the roof of the 4x4 free, so as to allow the loading of other material on the door everything, which is very useful in every travel-adventure. Today they also rightly became a choice for moving around with the family or for those who love a comfortable camping, thanks to their versatility in use. They are even used on the ground in combination with the many accessories that allow a comfortable and long stay.OVERCAMP®
Always from this point of view, a specific quotation deserves Overcamp, a modular tent that lends itself to multiple personal choices of use. An extraordinarily practical model when combined with the veranda on a campsite. Today it is considered not only the tent of the sportsmen, but also the friend of the family, because it allows an excellent independence in the rooms. Fantastic when using 2 matching tents to have a really large and important space.